1cup3.5 ounces pepperoni, divided (reserve 12-15 pepperonis to put on top!)
3cups24 ounces marinara sauce
4cups12 ounces shredded mozzarella, divided in half
Parmesan cheese to garnishoptional
Basil fresh to garnishoptional
Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Prepare pasta according to package directions.
Over medium heat, cook Italian sausage in a frying pan until no longer pink (about 5 minutes) and break into small pieces.
In a 9x13 baking dish, add cooked and drained pasta, cooked Italian sausage, pepperoni (reserve 12-15 pepperonis to put on top), marinara sauce, and half of the mozzarella cheese. Stir until ingredients are evenly distributed. Top with the remaining mozzarella and pepperoni.
Place in the oven and bake uncovered for 15-20 minutes or until cheese is melted and begins to bubble. Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.