Place down a piece of parchment paper to assemble the wreaths.
Start by peeling the Twizzler candies into individual strands to create the bows. You’ll trim about an inch off of each candy string and fold the ends over each other, pressing down in the center. The bows will probably come loose, but you can keep pressing the center to best hold their shape. Once they’re added to the wreaths they will hold well.
Add the white candy melts to a microwave safe bowl, and heat on 30 second increments, stirring in between, until melted.
Hold the pretzel twists by the bottom, and dip the other half of them into the candy melts, letting the excess drip off some.
Place the candy coated twist onto the parchment, angling them around, with the corners touching, to create a wreath.
Do two layers of pretzels for each wreath, placing the 2nd layer in between the pretzels of the first layer.
Before the candy has time to set, sprinkle with sanding sugar, add mini m&m’s, and add one of the Twizzler bows you made.
Allow the wreaths to set until the candy has firmed back up.