¾cupmilkwhole or 2% works as well as half and half
⅔cuplight beerI used miller lite
10ozcheddarfreshly shredded
1tbspgarlic salt
¼tspcayenne pepperoptional for heat
In a medium size saucepan over medium high heat, melt the butter.
Stir in the flour and whisk for about a minute for the flour to cook off.
While whisking, slowly add in the milk, whisking until smooth. Allow to thicken for 1-2 minutes.
Once thickened, add in seasonings whisking until combined.
Add in the beer and stir.
Next, add in ½ c of freshly shredded cheese at a time. Allow the cheese to melt before adding more. Repeat the process until all the cheese is melted.
Remove from the heat and serve!
*Freshly shredded cheese melts easier than store bought cheese and has a smoother consistency. Store bought cheese has a powdery coating to keep it fresh longer and doesn’t melt as well.