
Baby Sea Turtle Kids Craft

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Get out the paint, scissors and glue for this Baby Sea Turtle Kids Craft!

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I am a bad Mom or maybe we were having so much fun, but, I only snapped a single picture of this kids craft 🙁 I feel so bad, but, it’s just so damn cute not to share with ya’ll!

So we had ordered a TON of craft supplies from Amazon.com (affiliate link, I get a few cents if you purchase and I Thank You!). I tend to do this right before school let’s out for summer and again right before winter to stock up and take some of the boredom away. You know how ansty kids get…right?!?

For this project you’ll need:

It’s really pretty simple as you can see from the picture. I lay down a brown paper bag at every seat so paint doesn’t end up all over my house! From there I set out a circle (for the head), 4 legs, 10, spots, a bowl, glue, green paint and a paint brush. I let the kiddos go to town painting on their own and set the bowl aside to dry. After snack time was over and the paint had dried we went ahead and glued all of the pieces on.

Now if you kiddos are older and can handle scissors fairly well then go ahead and let them draw and/or cut out the felt pieces. The felt is tougher to cut than paper so keep that in mind when setting up this kids craft. Once your Baby Sea Turtle Kids Craft is complete go ahead and let the kids gather round with their masterpieces and read them a Baby Sea Turtle story:

I enjoy trying to teach the kiddos by doing being hands on and incorporating a book into the mix. It’s a perfect activity to do before or after lunch and before naptime! I hope that you and your family enjoy this Kids Craft as much as we did.

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