Meal Kits: Quick Prep with Pre-Measured Ingredients

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Disclosure:  I partnered with Mavrck Influences on this post for Stouffer’s and Kroger. All thoughts & opinions are my own! We have since purchased all 3 Meal Kits and seriously love each one and they’ve saved my butt twice in the last three weeks!

Being that I operate a recipe website, you’d think I’d have a homemade meal on the table all the time right?!? WRONG! As a busy mom to three children and running the Hubs back and forth to doctors appointments and hospital visits, Stouffer’s Meal Kits have saved me more times than I can count!


Listen, whether you are running kid #1 to gymnastics, coaching kid #2 soccer team or running kid #3 to the doctors, life is overwhelming at time. Sure we could just swing through a drive-thru, but, it gets old and repetitive. Not to mention, once you hit up the drive-thru, it becomes a habit. By the time you know it, you are eating dinner out every night. Not only is that not nutritious and setting bad habits for kiddos, it’s expensive!


On nights where you just need to throw something on the table for dinner, grab a Stouffer’s Meal Kit. They are located in the freezer section of the grocery store. I actually purchased mine at Kroger! Come in three delicious flavors: Braised Pork, Tuscan Chicken and Beef Broccoli (what we made today!).

How To Make a Stouffer’s Meal Kit

Why I Love Stouffer’s Meal Kits

  • so easy to prep, pre-teens can make these Meal Kits!
  • Prep Time is like just a few minutes, literally all the prep work is done for you!
  • Dinner is on the table in under 25 minutes – enough time to get two kids in the shower.
  • Serves 4, with two little kids, I’ll take it
  • Very little clean up!

Not to mention, all three meal kits include nutritious combinations with protein, vegetables and whole grains for a family of 4. Being that I have three kids and two adults, it was more than enough for all of us! Plus, our family enjoys a salad every night for dinner. Gives me a piece of mind that my kids ate a nutritious meal that day for the days when they eat cereal for breakfast and I feel like I’m failing at this Mom thing.


These Meal Kits are already pre-measured and pre-chopped with each ingredient pre-packaged. While Mom, Dad or the pre-teen is cooking up the meat, another child can throw the veggies in the microwave and heat up the sauce. The hardest part is setting the table!


Now, I will say that my kids are pretty weird about mixing ingredients together! I served the Hubby’s and mine over rice and the vegetables and topped it with the beef and the sauce. I served the kiddos on a plate, making sure not to have anything touching!

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