5 Natural Cough Remedies That Really Work!
Here are 5 natural cough remedies that really work! We use these home remedies for a cough with the kids and adults in our home.
For the past few weeks, Bubby has had a cough and a snotty runny nose that just won’t go away. After about two weeks, I had Jas take him to the doctor to make sure it wasn’t anything else {like an ear infection} because he has just been so damn crabby. Thankfully he “just has a cold” but, I’m over it. Not to mention we all need sleep.
I want to share a few of my home remedies for a cough with you so that you can take advantage sooner than I have.
5 Natural Cough Remedies
1. Pure Honey
My kids won’t take the “bee medicine” aka Zarbee’s, but, they will take a teaspoon of pure honey. It coats their throat, helping with those tickly coughs. You can also make homemade cough drops!
2. Peppermint Candy
Since my kids are young, I keep peppermint candy on hand, especially during the winter months. I think it lasts longer than cough drops and they don’t contain all the harsh chemicals.
3. Peppermint Green Tea
Whether the kids have a cough or belly troubles, they LOVE Peppermint Green Tea. The peppermint helps to calm the belly naturally.
4. Humidifier
Thanks to this natural cough remedy! It’s the only way I truly believe anyone has gotten sleep the past two weeks. We constantly run a humidifier in the bedrooms and the main living area. The extra moisture in the air works, while also cooling the air.
5. Cold Air
In the winter months when the air is cold, we just step outside on the front porch for a few minutes and take deep breaths. The past few weeks with the warm air arriving, we’ve been opening the deep freezer and having the little one take “big boy breaths!”. This helps relieve the coughing spells and prevented vomiting from happening…until I just said that!
Be sure to Submit a Recipe so that I can feature it on the site once you’ve made this dish! See you soon 😉
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