Fireplace Makeover Using Chalk Paint
A fireplace makeover will give new life to your fireplace and the room it’s in. In this post, you’ll learn how to paint a brick fireplace using chalk paint.
Fireplace Makeover Using Chalk Paint

Please don’t ever tell me that you can’t do something. I have been looking at this ugly brick fireplace for years now. The orange and red brick just couldn’t be looked at by my eyes any longer.
With my recent foot surgery, I’ve been in the house more than I care to admit. Like, I can count the number of times I’ve left on both hands. My mind is beginning to wonder and then I’ve got to keep busy. So in the dead of winter, I decided to get out the Americana Decor Chalky Finish and paint my brick fireplace!
How to paint a brick fireplace
Now I had prewarned Jas simply because he would’ve flipped his shit if he would’ve come home and this had been done without his knowledge. While I try to be a good wife and pre-warn him to my craziness, there are times that I just do it!
If I waited for his “permission” to do this fireplace makeover, I’d be dead and live in the ugliest of houses. In fact, all the income that I earn goes right back to the house. Whether I need to update the floors, purchase new furniture pieces, pay an extra mortgage payment, buy a new appliance that’s where it all goes!
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I grabbed a bowl and mixed about 1 part water to 4 parts Americana Decor Chalky Finish. I mixed it around until it was a bit runny, but, thick enough to stay on the brush and went to town.
I watered the paint down because I didn’t want the fireplace too heavy in the paint. I wanted a bit more of a rustic look simply because my house is vintage/rustic {is that a thing?!?}. If I would have drowned the fireplace in the chalky paint without watering the mixture down, it would’ve given me more of a modern feel and I didn’t want that!
Now I painted this entire brick fireplace from the comfort of my knee scooter. I posted on Facebook what I was doing and a friend volunteered to grab me another small container of Chalky Finish so that I could have a completed fireplace. THANK YOU KRYSTAL!

I took a picture of the fireplace and texted it to Jason to show him that it looked a million times better. You see, the thing with creating Our Heavenly Home is that it’s tough for both of us.
This is the home that Jason grew up in and he has lots of memories of this house. So my crazy ideas are sometimes a bit much for him. But at the end of the day and a few weeks later, we are both in love with it…and so are the guests who have stopped by!
How much does a fireplace makeover cost?
The total cost of this fireplace makeover was under $25, including brand-spankin’ new paint brushes! The total amount of time was about 4 hours from start to finish. Now keep in mind, I had to sit during this project and could’ve gotten it done sooner, but, I didn’t want to rush perfection!
So what are you waiting for? Now that you know how to paint a brick fireplace, tackle your very own fireplace makeover today!
I love to see what you are creating in your homes! Be sure to share your projects with me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.