How to Remove Old and New Carpet Pet Stains

My dog Charlie is about 1 years old and he still has some issues on peeing and vomiting on our carpet downstairs. It’s as if he doesn’t want us to see him do it so he won’t get in trouble so sometimes we go downstairs a week later and find the dreaded yellow stain. I thought for sure it was hopeless and we’d need to replace the whole thing. BUT we tried this baking soda vinegar concoction and it performed miracles!

Here you can see where he peed so I soaked up as much as I could with paper towels. Poured vinegar to cover the whole stain and sprinkled baking soda on top. Immediately you could see the baking soda turning yellow- it was raising it up out of the carpet! We let it dry for a full day then vacuumed it up. You can barely see it! So my next attempt was the stain that was a month old…..
Old Carpet Pet Stain

I think it worked pretty darn good! It’s worth a shot and it’s super cheap to do!
DIY Carpet Pet Stain Remover
- White Vinegar
- Baking Soda
- Pour vinegar on top of the stain.
- Sprinkle baking soda on top to cover the whole stain.
- Wait 1-2 days until completely dry then vacuum it up.
I did the exact same thing, poured vinegar on top of the stain, then covered it completely with baking soda. Waited a day then vacuumed it up. Boy was I happy! It’s worth a shot for pet urine or vomit for sure!