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How to Deep Clean Your Dishwasher

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Dishes not getting clean anymore? Dishwasher smelly? Getting film on your dishes? Sounds like it’s time to deep clean your dishwasher! You should clean your dishwasher around once a month if you are really motivated (and have time ha!) Life gets busy but if you lack on your dishwasher cleaning maintenance, your dishes will show it!

How to Clean the Inside of Your Dishwasher

There are many ways to clean your dishwasher but the first thing’s first.


Clean Your Filter

  1. Look at the bottom of your dishwasher and twist the filter (on most appliances) and pop it out. We just moved into our new house and this was what the filter looked like – YUCK!! It smells just like you’d think it would too- barf.
  2. Run that under hot water and add some dish soap to suds it up. Use a scrubber or sponge to get into the crevices of the filter.
  3. Check the water sprayer attachment (the part that spins around) and make sure each hole is open. If there’s food stuck in any, use a scrubber to get it out. Pop the filter back in and twist to lock.
  1. Shake baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher and run a cycle through. I like to use the eco setting as it’s shorter on the cycle time.

How to Clean Dishwasher with Vinegar

  1. If you really want to deep clean, fill a bowl with 1 cup of white vinegar and place it on the top rack. Run hot water cycle through with no detergent. This will deep clean the inside and make it sparkle! It can break down build-up, odors, and food particles stuck in there.
  2. Use a rag and wipe the edges of the dishwasher where it seals closed. Grime can build up there.
  3. Ta-da! Fresh and ready to use again.

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One Comment

  1. Deep cleaned my DW using the vinegar tutorial. Pretty labor intensive for a 70 y/o but well worth it!! I didn’t realize how “stinky” it was til after I cleaned it. Will be cleaning it monthly now that its super clean. Thank you!!

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