How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies in the House

Soo you’ve landed on this article because your whole house is full of fruit flies and you are going BONKERS. I’ve been there. This week in fact. Summer is the worst for them! Did you know a female fruit fly can lay 500 eggs at a time? This is why they get out of hand super quick if you don’t act fast enough right away. Here are 6 steps to be fruit fly free!
Steps on Getting Rid of Fruit Flies
Step 1. Toss
The first step is to look for decaying fruits in your kitchen or pantry to throw away. Odds are, the fruit already has fruit fly eggs on them that you can’t see. Double check your potato bin too, as they can go bad quickly. I found that out the hard way!
Step 2. Cover Fruit

If you have any fruit sitting out on the counter, it’s time to cover it up or store it away! I just put two layers of saran wrap over my fruit bowl. Or I put my tomatoes in Zip loc bags. You can also just throw them in your fridge of course. But any future fruits you buy MUST be covered immediately!
Step 3. Set Trap

You are going to need to make a DIY fruit fly killer trap, and it’s so simple to make! All you need is a mason jar or glass cup, some saran wrap, apple cider vinegar, and a toothpick! Just put about half an inch of apple cider vinegar inside the glass, then cover the top with a piece of saran wrap. Make sure it’s secure around the edges. Then take a toothpick or screwdriver, and poke holes all over the top. Now set it behind where your fruit usually is. Making it look “hidden” is key. I like to put it behind my fruit bowl and lean a zip loc bag against it.
I usually make two fruit fly traps and keep one in the kitchen, then one upstairs in my bathroom.

Step 4. Get Rid of Fruit Fly Eggs in Drain

I hate to break it to you, but you cannot leave dirty dishes in the sink until this fruit fly problem is gone!! Load the dishwasher or handwash your dirty plates and get rid of the food gunk in the sink catcher every day. Then using a tea kettle or a kitchen pot, boil water and dump it down EVERY drain in your house! I know it sounds crazy but fruit flies lay their eggs in moist areas which is usually in the sink drains. Just using hot water from the faucet won’t kill them, it MUST be boiling! Do this once a day until the problems gone.
Step 5. Empty Garbage Bags

You may need to waste a few garbage bags (not filling them fully) but every night before bed, take it out to the dumpster. The fruit flies love to eat and hang out in your garbage can at night. Even if you have a closed off one, like me, they get to it somehow. There were tons inside the garbage bag. Just quickly grab the top and tie it off before they get out. If your garbage can is inside your cabinet, you’ll need to vacuum and wipe down with lysol wipes. Having kids or spouses, sometimes food doesn’t make it directly into the bin. Get all the food particles GONE!
Step 6. Keep a Clean Kitchen

It’s like pretending the flu is going around your house and you have to disinfect, and clean up spills ASAP. If you keep a CLEAN counter at all times, the fruit flies will be drawn right to your vinegar traps.
I have tried everything and I still have fruit flies, what else can I do?
- There are many plug-in products on Amazon that you can buy that the light lures them in at night and they get stuck. Don’t leave them on all day just when it gets dark.
- When you see a fruit fly buzz by you, smack it with your hand! I usually can get them when they land on the bathroom mirrors but they are quick little buggers!
- If the fruit flies are going in the jar but not getting caught, add a bit of dawn soap to the vinegar so they get stuck.
- Fruit flies typically only live 8-15 days so once you get to the root of your problem, they WILL be gone!
- Best of luck!