Valentine’s Day Printable Love Letter
This Valentine’s Day printable love letter is a sweet gesture to let that special someone know how you feel about them. It’s a romantic Valentine’s Day idea for couples or for parents to give to their kids.
It’s that time of year! Valentine’s Day baby! I know I’ve said this before, but, decorating the house with FREE Printables like this Love Letter Valentine’s Day Printable is so much fun.
Not to mention the colors are fun and festive
home a little bit of life in the midst of winter.
Speaking of winter, is it really even winter? Here in Ohio, we’ve had all of 2″ total….it’s been a unseasonably warm winter. In fact, I just had the windows cracked and screen doors open just the other day.
How has the winter weather been where you live? Leave me a comment below, I’d love to find out!
Anyway, enough about the global warming 😉
How cute is this Valentine’s Day Printable?
It’s a Love Letter that your entire family can enjoy on your romantic family Valentine’s Day dinner and the days leading up to Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day Printable Instructions
To use the free printable, all you need to do is right click on the image above and save it to your computer’s hard drive.
To save the printable to your mobile device, just click this link to save the image . Then you can print it out and hang it in your home, or give it to your favorite Valentine!
Does your family have any Valentine’s Day plans or traditions? The kids get a kick out of drinking Sparkling Grape Juice out of my wine glasses, so I think we are going to continue that tradition, paired with Chocolate Covered Strawberries of course and I’ll let the kids pick out the rest of the menu once we get a little bit closer.
I made this Valentine’s Day printable for ya! Now I wish I had a color printer and not a big old inkjet so that I could print this one out and frame it to put in the dining room!
Where will you hang this love letter Valentine’s Day printable?!?