Weekly Meal Plan
So you want to get a meal plan going for next week and just not sure where to start, right? Well, let me help you my love!
You will receive 11 recipes this week! You can eat the exact same thing my family is or you can switch out meals for some of your families favorits. This is simply to help you get started with meal planning while trying new recipes. Let’s get you out of the food rut of making the same things over and over again. Not to mention everything here is made from scratch, will help you get on board with clean eating and you may even end up loosing weight because you aren’t eating out or processed foods!
The 11 recipes you’ll be receiving this week are in blue.
Monday – Cinnamon Toast & Fruit, Leftover Lasagna, Simply Organic Whole Chicken with Corn & Foiled Potatoes
Tuesday – Pancakes, Leftover Pizza, Beef Stroganoff
Wednesday – Sausage & Fruit Salad, Salad, Crock Pot Chicken Fajita Pasta
Thursday – Cereal, Cheese Quesadillas & Salsa, Eat out (Mazunte’s)
Friday – Blueberry Muffins, Grilled Cheese & Chicken Tortilla Soup, Homemade Pizzas
Saturday – Sausage & Egg Biscuits, Leftovers, Pulled Pork Adobo BBQ
Sunday – Baked Chocolate Donuts, Skyline Coneys, Chicken Tortilla Soup
The paid Meal Plan is only $5!
CLICK HERE to purchase this Meal Plan to print 12 recipe cards that you can keep on hand. You also receive a complete shopping list for all the ingredients you need to make all of the recipes above! The work is done for you. I wish I could do the grocery shopping for you too, but, I can’t walk so….that’s kinda out the window right now. However, check with your local Kroger Stores and see if you can order online and pick up at the curb. It’s the greatest thing ever!!!!