Best Homemade Shower Cleaner to Make it Sparkle

Homemade Shower Cleaner
This homemade shower cleaner recipe is so great to keep in a squirt bottle or soap wand scrubber at all times in your bathroom. It works great for a daily shower cleaner if you really want to keep the yuck away. Any time you see a bit of grime or film forming just squirt it on your shower, let sit for a few minutes and scrub away! Trust me, it makes life so much easier when you don’t let the filth sit in your shower and you literally have to SCRUB til your hand bleeds 😉 If you have orange/rust stains, or haven’t got to clean your shower for a month; try my other no brainer method here.
No Chemicals/ Natural Way to Clean Shower
This DIY shower cleaner is my favorite because it’s not going to sting your nose with chemicals while you’re scrubbing away! It’s a natural homemade daily shower cleaner that you can just keep in the shower.
If you don’t want to use this wand scrubber, you can always just make the shower spray in a squirt bottle then every shower just shake it up and spray! So easy to keep it clean!

DIY Shower Cleaner
- White Vinegar
- Dawn dish soap
- Squirt bottle/wand scrubber
- If you are making it in a squirt bottle, add 2 cups of vinegar and 3 tablespoons dawn dish soap.
- If you are using the wand scrubber just fill half parts vinegar and dish soap.
- Shake, shake, shake!
- Spray on shower, let it sit for a few minutes then scrub away!